• Jan 26 2023 - 08:52
  • - تعداد بازدید: 731
  • - تعداد بازدیدکننده: 45
  • زمان مطالعه : Less than one minute
Aban 13th, US Embassy Takeover

Sending the Message of Revolution to the World

Aban 13th, US embassy Takeover

Bandar Abbas Mayor:

Students’ Yell Sent Message of the Revolution to the World

The mayor of Bandar Abbas said:

On Aban 13th the students rose up to shine the light of knowledge onto the sage mirror and obliterate the lack of self-esteem from the face of school.

According to IPRU of Bandar Abbas Municipality, Abbas Aminizadeh via a message stated:

Aban 13th is a mirror of three significant events in Iran’s political history: Imam Khomeini’s exile in 1342 after his objecting the passing the extraterritoriality bill, shooting the students’ due to their objecting the Pahlavi regime and the US embassy takeover have had significant effect on the stability of Islamic Revolution and its victory.

He also added: Aban 13th is a day when the green saplings of faith grew and the Muslim students gathered in Tehran University as a sign of objection to the government.



  • گروه خبری : General
  • کد خبر : 4543
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