• Aug 28 2022 - 12:05
  • - تعداد بازدید: 384
  • - تعداد بازدیدکننده: 142
  • زمان مطالعه : 1 minute(s)

Bandar Abbas will be the Host City of Beach Volleyball Asian Championship

Bandar Abbas will be the Host City of Beach Volleyball Asian Championship.

According to the report of Communication and International affairs Department of Bandar Abbas Municipality, Mehdi Nobani the mayor, Abdo-Arrouf Bastegani the head of volleyball committee of the Hormozgan province accompanying Ahmad Moradi, the representative of Bandar Abbas in the parliament, visited both of Beach Volleyball court and Beach soccer pitch of Suru to check Bandar Abbas available infrastructures and the city capacity for upcoming Asian competitionsIn this visit, Ahmad Moradi expressed: according to the capacity of Bandar Abbas, after providing Beach sport grounds we could be able to become the host city of Asian competition which would be a great and worthwhile achievement for Bandar Abbas and Suru district.

He also emphasized on allocating enough budget and making an investment and short-term and long-term plans to provide necessary infrastructures for beach and water sports.

In this visit, Mehdi Nobani recognized Bandar Abbas municipality as a pioneer in the development of sports spaces and said: “The conditions of Bandar Abbas city are very suitable for the development of beach water sports infrastructure, and can be named Bandar Abbas as the central focus of beach water sports in the country, which with the support of related organizations can be take more beneficial steps.

He added: being as a host city of Asian competition is an opportunity to show the capacity and ability of a metropolitan harbor city that besides other characteristics of the city could pave the way of city development in sports.




  • گروه خبری : General
  • کد خبر : 14154
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