• May 6 2024 - 17:14
  • - تعداد بازدید: 131
  • - تعداد بازدیدکننده: 130
  • زمان مطالعه : 1 minute(s)

“Bandar Abbas Park” in Corinto

Bandar Abbas mayor: The ceremony of naming the park was held with the presence of Moslem Chenari the ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Nicaragua, Corinto officials, Corinto City Council members, the mayor of the city, port managers, and the enthusiastic presence of citizens and other invitees.

According to the report of the Communication and International Affairs Department of Bandar Abbas municipality, Mehdi Nobani said in this regard: Following the efforts of the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bandar Abbas and our colleagues in the International Affairs unit of the municipality and with the support of the Bandar Abbas Islamic City Council members, after the signing of the memorandum of understanding the sister-city relationship between Bandar Abbas and Corinto in the legal procedures, the mayor and officials in Corinto built and named a park with the symbol of Bandar Abbas Municipality.


Nobani continued: A similar event will soon happen in Bandar Abbas as well, and considering the political, cultural, and social relations and the sister-city relationship between these two cities, this significant event has been marked for Bandar Abbas Municipality in the international arena for the first time.


The mayor of Bandar Abbas pointed out: regarding the sensitive and international position of Bandar Abbas in the Persian Gulf, it is one of the most important ports of the country which in terms of its name and cultural, social, and economic position should always be at the forefront of the ports in the region and the Persian Gulf.


At the end, Mehdi Nobani stated: according to reports presented, “Bandar Abbas Park is located in the coastal region of the Pacific Ocean, in the short distance from the main port of Corinto and with the facilities such as Family recreation and walking area, children’s playground equipment, public fitness and bodybuilding tools, volleyball and basketball courts, along with spectator stands and also a tall observation tower overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Moreover, the symbol of Bandar Abbas Municipality has been artistically placed at the center of the park which is visible from different aspects.

  • گروه خبری : General
  • کد خبر : 18333
کلمات کلیدی
Mrs Mirzakhah

Mrs Mirzakhah
